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Friday, July 20, 2012

...THE SIREN by Tiffany Reisz

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THE SIREN by Tiffany Reisz is sultry, surprising, and intelligent; one of the most memorable books I've ever read.

I love talking books. I do not know how to review them; I've never been good at it, but I do enjoy sharing my thoughts about books I enjoy, and that's what I plan to do here. 

Preface to the non-review:
A few pages into THE SIREN, I knew it was going to be a book I'd be desperate to discuss with people; it's the kind of story I want to read about after I finish reading it. I want to hear and relate to others' reactions, share in their emotions, see things from another perspective, and relive the experience of reading the story because it's just THAT different and strange and beautiful and incredible. So, as soon as I finished the novel, I scoured the internet for postings and reviews. One of my favorites is from Smexy Books:

especially if you'd like an "official" review of the story. With a grade, and more about the plot, and the normal way people review books. I can already tell, true to form, I won't be doing that here.

So then! Onto the non-review!
I love this book. But why? Books that make me think are my favorite of all, and THE SIREN left me thinking and rethinking about the story and the characters so much, I found myself going to my Nook and looking for certain passages to re-read. Passages that twisted in my mind the first time I read them and which just sat there, in my skull, taking up space and taking on a life of their own.

And now, character discussion time!
First off, I fell in love with the tragic Zach, as harsh and sardonic and cold and injured as he is. Next up we have the haunted, vibrant-yet-dark Nora. Nora is a superhero, complete with a chilling backstory and a virtually impenetrable mask. Like any superhero, she has a superweakness, and the vulnerability she hides is equivalent to the power of her iconic persona. I love her. She is complex and multidimensional, and astonishingly relatable, while at the same time, she's like no one I've ever known.

More about the book! 
Laced in with the clever lines that kept me smiling, was a sadness so deep and profound, I felt the characters-- everyone from Nora to her loving and concerned intern-- were being devoured by it. The sadness is part of this story, so much so that it's almost another living breathing character. Every character seemed to be touched by it, longing for something that seemed heartbreakingly out of reach. I couldn't stop reading, aching for the characters to find happiness and some kind of peace. I couldn't stop reading because I was completely consumed with their lives; and because everything I read flooded my mind and wouldn't let me rest until I'd finished the story.

Sex! There is some!
I can hardly mention a Tiffany Reisz book without touching on the sex. The one thing about this book I wasn't surprised to find was intense, amazing, hardcore sex. And by hardcore, I mean, whips and pain and more pain, and none of it gratuitous. The story wouldn't be complete without it. The story wouldn't be itself without it.

In Conclusion...
To wrap things up, Tiffany Reisz's THE SIREN is a superbly written novel that continues to exist in my thoughts; it's one of those rare stories that lets me slip completely out of this world as it leaves a permanent impression in my mind. I highly recommend it, though it will most definitely not be what you expect.

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